The Barth Syndrome Foundation is a truly international organization that supports families living in any country, knowing as we do that it is only through this unified approach that we can succeed in achieving our vision. Together, we continue to generate a positive force to ensure that...Barth syndrome no longer causes suffering or loss of life.
Barth Syndrome UK
Charity #: 1181830
Primary Contact: Michaela Damin, Chief Executive
Email: michaela.damin@barthsyndrome.org.uk
1 The Vikings
S051 5RG
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1794 518 785
Email: Contact Us
Website: www.barthsyndrome.org.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barthsyndrome/
NHS National Barth Syndrome Service: Barth Syndrome Clinics
Barth Syndrome Foundation of Canada
Charity #: 86102 2002 RR0001
Primary Contact: Susan Hone, President
162 Guelph Street, Suite 115
Georgetown, ON L7G 5X7
Email: Contact Us
Website: www.barthsyndrome.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barthsyndromecanada/
Association Syndrome de Barth France
Charity #: 533 127 759
Primary Contact: Florence Mannes
Email: florence@barthfrance.com
13 rue de la Terrasse
92150 Suresnes
Telephone: +33 6 15 58 02 32
Email: Contact Us
Website: https://www.syndromedebarth.fr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndromedebarth/
Twitter: @BarthFrance
Barth Italia Onlus
Primary Contact: Paola Cazzaniga
Email: Info@barthitalia.org
Piazza Carrobiolo 5
20900 Monza
Telephone: +390392023777
Email: Contact Us
Website: https://www.barthitalia.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Barth-Italia-481209832051117/