2022 NICER Symposium
Welcome to the 2022 NICER Virtual Symposium, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Neutrophils, Macrophages and the Inflammasome – Stepping into Innate Immunity.” NICER invites healthcare providers and Barth syndrome patients to join them as they venture through the closet doors into the riveting world of the innate immune system and challenge our expectations of phagocytes and inflammatory signaling cascades.
The 2022 symposium will be host to fan favorites such as the “Pro-Con Debates” and “Tales of the Case Conference” where they will emphasize the multi-specialty nature of immuno-heme disorders and highlight recent advances along with ongoing knowledge gaps. There will also be mentoring and career development opportunities through “Speed Networking” and “Peer Mentoring.”
This year they will be introducing new sessions focusing on giving back to both academic peers and the patient communities on Wednesday through a morning primary-care oriented Immuno-Hematology 101 style course followed by a patient-directed afternoon co-hosted by Race for Immunology featuring a panel discussion on “Rare Disease: Breaking through Communication Barriers” alongside break out sessions on oral health, understanding genetic testing and navigating the transition from pediatric to adult care.
There is no cost to families who wish to attend this event.