We are pleased to announce that BSF is now a participating organization of The Research Acceleration and Innovation Network (TRAIN), a FasterCures program established to create opportunities for medical research innovators to discuss and tackle the challenges that cut across diseases. TRAIN is a unique network of patient-driven nonprofit foundations that fund medical research across a spectrum of diseases. They represent the kind of organizations that are fast becoming the engine behind innovation in disease research - collaborative, mission-driven, strategic in their allocation of resources, and results-oriented.
As the newest member of the Institute for Gene Therapies (IGT) Patient Advocacy Advisory Council, BSF enthusiastically joins fellow organizations committed to aligning access and outcomes with the promise gene replacement therapy for affected individuals. In partnership with foundations, industry, and academia, IGT convenes experts from across the healthcare system to advocate for a policy framework that encourages innovation and access to these critical therapies. Membership in this coalition is one of the many ways BSF amplifies our advocacy on behalf of our ultra-rare community.