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Other Ways To Give

There are many ways to support the Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) and join our fight for victory over Barth syndrome. Please know your gift through a workplace campaign, planned gift, or any other type of donation, makes a meaningful difference for the children, young adults, and families we serve.


Securities can be gifted to the Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) in two ways: either via electronic transfer (in which your broker transfers shares using the BSF DTC number) or by physically mailing the paper certificates to BSF. Either method is acceptable, but it is necessary for you to contact your broker to initiate the transfer. Download the Stock Donation Form for your use.

Employer Matching Gift Programs

Many donors are now taking advantage of a “Matching Gift Program” offered by their employer. The employer matches the funds donated by the employee to a charity and provides a convenient method for the employee to donate to a charity of his/her choice. Check with your Human Resources Department or Community Relations Department to find out.

Planned Giving

One of the best ways to support our continued efforts is to remember BSF (or its affiliates) in your estate planning. By including a bequest to BSF in your will, however small, you will make a difference to future generations. Without any cost to you now, you’ll make a valuable contribution to BSF, and a legacy to be remembered for. Download information here to get started.


Giving Works

Another new way to donate to BSF is through Mission Fish, where items can be sold through eBay and all or a part of the proceeds from each sale can be donated to a non-profit of your choice. If you are an eBay seller or know someone who is, please check into donating through Mission Fish for BSF. For more information, please visit

To make all of this possible, we need your help! BSF is supported solely by contributions and donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Please help us achieve our goals by contributing today.

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